Getting Started With Cables

Mar 02, 2023

1.What is a cable?

Cable, in fact, is a kind of electrical energy or signal transmission device, usually composed of several or several sets of wires, which is mainly used to transmit electricity, transmit information and realize electromagnetic energy conversion of a large class of electrical products. Especially in modern society, where there are people living, or production, transportation and all economic activities, as well as any scientific and technological development and innovation project research and development activities, are inseparable from the application of electricity and electromagnetic waves, and the generation, transmission and application of electricity and electromagnetic waves must use wires and cables as connections, transmission components or as the winding material of the host, which can also be seen that the impact of cables on our lives is great.


2.Why should cables be insulated?

The cable is exposed to the air for a long time, will form a unique magnetic field, the purpose of insulation is to protect the normal transmission of electricity, but also to protect the safety of the user, and if not used insulation materials, strong current is likely to affect human life safety, coupled with the voltage of the cable is very high, if there is no buffer of the insulation material, the cable will be damaged, which will lead to the cable can not operate normally, affecting people's lives. Here, you can also know that the cable must use insulating substances, at present, the most used insulation material is still solid insulation materials, which can not only buffer the voltage and current in the cable, but also has very good flame retardant performance, can ensure that the cable will not spontaneously ignite due to various emergencies, is one of the better materials used in cable insulation.


3.What are the common faults of cables?

Common faults of cable lines are mechanical damage, insulation damage, insulation moisture, insulation aging and deterioration, cable overheating failure, etc., if you find that the line occurs the above faults, should immediately cut off the power supply of the faulty cable, look for the fault point, check and analyze the fault, and then repair and test, the cut of the cut, af

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