Precautions for using cables in winter

Mar 09, 2023

In winter, as the temperature plummets, it has brought some impact to the wire and cable industry, and the more obvious impact is that the difficulty of cable laying has increased. So in such a situation, how should we start when laying cables in winter, and how to make full preparations to avoid unnecessary losses?
First, it is necessary to explain to the customer the construction measures and precautions during winter construction. When taking the cable, you must handle it gently to ensure that people, machines, materials and materials survive the winter smoothly to ensure that the quality of the project and the progress of the project are not affected. Then, according to the construction measures and preventive measures that have been formulated, make a material plan, and the material department should do a good job in the supply of required materials according to the plan, including thermal insulation materials, antifreeze, cold, anti-slip, heating materials, etc., and materials required for erecting related facilities. And ensure that the construction road is smooth, the ice and snow are removed in time, and the working surface is frozen.
Second, during the cable laying process, you must pay attention everywhere and be ready at all times. For example, when enough snow accumulates due to low winter temperatures, and if the cable is a hard conductor. It is not easy to twist, and the snow will automatically fall off the wire. At the same time, due to the different hardness and density of the cable, when the snow gradually solidifies to the ice, it will automatically break when it reaches a certain level, causing misunderstanding among customers, so the appearance is easy to cover snow and ice. When the weight of the ice exceeds the receiving capacity of the wire and cable, due to the wire and cable overhead outdoors. It is easy to cause the cable to pull the transmission tower down or pull the utility pole to the phenomenon and the cable itself to break. Then, in order to prevent this from happening, pay attention to the choice of materials to choose a cable that can withstand the cold.
Third, if the temperature is lower than -5 °C for open-air operation, there should be a heating lounge near the construction site, the heating facilities should comply with fire prevention regulations, and the construction heating and heating facilities must hang obvious signs to prevent personnel from scalding.
Fourth, when mixing and pulling cables with different sheaths, special attention should be paid to preventing cables from rubbing against each other and damaging the cable sheath.
Fifth, after each cable is drawn, it is necessary to straighten the cable, calibrate the length, and roll up the cable and hang it near the equipment, and the cable must not be thrown anywhere, and stepped on arbitrarily to avoid damaging the cable.
Sixth, after all cables are drawn, the model, specification, length and total number of cables entering the equipment should be fully checked to prevent errors or omissions. If the cable is sturdy by lashing process, a bundle of cable can be drawn and re-checked and sorted, that is, it is strengthened with cable ties, and then the second bundle can be pulled.

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