Comparison of ultra-fine wire stranding machine and high-speed stranding machine

Oct 24, 2022

The ultra-fine wire stranding machine is a kind of high-speed stranding machine. Both are a type of bundling equipment used in the stranding of cable stranded conductors. So what is the difference between the ultra-fine wire stranding machine and the high-speed stranding machine?

Let's talk about the current category of ultra-fine wire stranding machines and high-speed stranding machines. The ultra-fine wire stranding machine, currently known as the ultra-fine wire stranding machine is the 130-type ultra-fine wire stranding machine produced by Dongyang Dongyang. This type of machine is currently the smallest wire bundle equipment for micro wire bundles in China. The common high-speed stranding machines are made of 200-type, 300-type, 500-type and other conventional high-speed stranding machines. The following is a comparison between the 130-type ultra-fine wire stranding machine and the 500-type stranding machine:

1. Different wire diameter specifications

The 130 type ultra-fine wire stranding machine is suitable for conductor bundles of 0.0164-0.03mm. The 500-type conventional stranding machine adapts to the bundle conductor specification of 0.08-0.45mm. In the wire diameter specification, a clear difference can already be seen. Bead size is not a heavyweight.

2. Different applications

The 130-type ultra-fine wire stranding machine is mainly used in medical, aviation and other industries. The required cable conductors themselves have high precision requirements. Similarly, the requirements for the stranding machine are also a higher level. The 500 type conventional stranding machine is generally used in the conductor bundles of conventional wires and cables, with low requirements and wide range.

3. The price is different

According to relevant information, the price of the 130-type ultra-fine wire stranding machine is at least 600,000 in Japan, while the domestic ultra-fine wire stranding machine is at least 100,000 units. At the same time of high requirements for the bundled wire, the cost of the equipment itself has also increased a lot. The 500 type conventional stranding machine is priced at 50,000-70,000. The two do not belong to the same order of magnitude in price.

4. The device configuration is different

The 130-type ultra-fine wire stranding machine adopts the best equipment configuration in equipment configuration, and is equipped with a self-twisting device, which can meet the very good requirements for wire stranding in terms of technical performance. The ordinary high-speed stranding machine does not have a back-twisting device, nor is it necessary. Therefore, the device configuration is also much lower.

In general, the 130-type ultra-fine wire stranding machine is a kind of high-speed stranding machine. But there is still a difference. It is not on the same level as the ordinary stranding machine. It is mainly used in medical and aviation fields with higher requirements. The ordinary high-speed stranding machine is simple to manufacture, low in cost, and low in technical threshold, making it difficult to support a company's profit and long-term development.

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